Monday, May 30, 2011

MrsDrPoe: A Beginners Guide to Couponing Part 2

Happy Money Monday! Last week I presented the first installment of a beginners guide to couponing, and I will be continuing the series today by discussing some coupon abbreviations that couponers typically employ.

Store Money
Most of the stores that I frequent have some type of "currency" unique to that store...

ECB - Extra Care Bucks; this is the CVS currency. It prints out at the bottom of your receipt after you've made a qualifying purchase, and typically expires one month after it prints. I rip these off the receipt and put them with the cash in my wallet so I can remember to spend them. You can only use your ECBs with your CVS card.

RR - Register Rewards; this is the Walgreens (or Wags) currency. It prints out separately from your receipt after you've made a qualifying purchase. The expiration date on these is typically two weeks after it prints. I put these in with my cash as well.

Catalina - while this isn't exactly an abbreviation, this is the term associated with money back from any grocery store; expiration dates vary. Guess where I put them...

There are some other terms associated with coupons in general...

Qs - this simply means "coupons"

PG - Proctor and Gamble; this is one of the three inserts typically found in the Sunday paper. It contains coupons for only Proctor and Gamble brand items (Crest, Tide, Iams, Etc.)

RP - Red Plum; this is another insert typically found in the paper. It says "Red Plum" at the top of each insert and contains coupons for a various brand items.

SS - Smart Source; this is another insert typically found in the paper. It says "Smart Source" at the top of each insert and also contains coupons for a various brand items.


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