Friday, December 9, 2011

MrsDrPoe: The Weather Outside is Frightful...

As you know, it's been cold recently.  This Foto Friday, I'd like to show you how the girls deal with the 'frightful weather'...

aren't they so cute in their scarves and hats?  Hope you all are staying warm!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

MrsDrPoe: The Offense of Familiarity

It's another Theology Thursday on the blog, and I'd like to once again invite you to open your Bibles with me as we look at a portion of God's word.

In Mark 6:1-6, Jesus goes to His hometown of Nazareth to continue His earthly teaching ministry.  We see Him in v. 2 preaching in the Synagogue on the Sabbath as was His typical M.O.  The folks in the city regard the fact that He is teaching "wisdom" and performing "mighty works"; however, instead of heeding the wisdom of His word, they are offended at Him because they knew Him as "the carpenter" and desire to kill Him (Luke 4:29).  Because of their unbelief, Jesus provides them with no further signs of His person but instead continues teaching in other villages.

It seems so ironic to read of people who basically say, "Jesus has so much wisdom!  But lets totally ignore it."  But isn't that what we do sometimes?  Jesus says in v. 4, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house."  Examining the prophets in the old testament, nearly all were ill-received and mistreated by the very people they were trying to warn.  Again I ask, isn't that what we do sometimes?

If your mom or brother or friend tells you that you should be going to Bible study, you have been very unkind lately, you have a lot of anger, the people you are hanging around with are not helping you spiritually, or any number of other things, don't we often get offended?  But if someone we didn't know quite so well told us the same thing, would we be more inclined to listen?  Just like the people of Nazareth were so familiar with Jesus the carpenter whose family they knew, they were offended by the things that he taught and did.

Not wanting to listen to advice is a pride issue that we all must struggle against.  Although every piece of advice we are given (solicited or not) may not be the best course of action to take, we must humble ourselves to truthfully examine what we are told- especially from those who know us best and truly have our best spiritual interests at heart.  And we must also humble ourselves before the word of God.  While we read the teachings of Jesus, we must examine ourselves and try to correct where we are lacking.  We must be careful not to be offended by or take lightly the instruction of "the Carpenter" or the godly wisdom of those who follow Him.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

MrsDrPoe: Maple Syrup Pasta

It's another What's for Dinner Wednesday, and since it's the holiday season, tonight I'd like to share with you my original, Elf inspired dessert- Maple Syrup Pasta.

Ingredients: 1/2 an apple, 1/2 cup grapes, 2 tablespoons pecans, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon ginger, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 tablespoon butter, 1/4 cup maple syrup, cooked pasta.

Chop up the fruit and nuts, and saute in butter and spices till the fruit is soft:

Stir in the syrup to warm it.  Poor the sauce over cooked pasta, and enjoy!

This may sound a bit odd, but trust me- Buddy the Elf knew what he was doing when he combined maple syrup and pasta!

MrsDrPoe: The Goins Family

Welcome to the next edition of Poes' Pals here on the blog.  Today I'd like you to meet some of our new friends from Atlanta, the Goins Family:

We first met the Mr. and Mrs. Goins when we moved to the big city a few months ago, right before they were wed.  They are such a sweet couple, and they very cute together!  Mrs. Goins brought a furry 'child' into the family- a fluffy bunny named Rascal; he does something to make us laugh every time we visit their place.

Mr. Goins enjoys trivia games and UGA football.  Mrs. Goins currently works for a local insurance company.  In her spare time, she loves to experiment in the kitchen (which she does very well) and to look at pictures of puppies.  They are both very hospitable and eager to serve the Lord.  We consider ourselves blessed to have them in our lives!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

MrsDrPoe: Characteristics of Flow Past an Object

Happy Thesis Tuesday to you all!  Today we'll be starting a series on external flow by examining some of this flow's general characteristics.

Flows in which an object is completely submerged in a fluid are termed external flows; however, flows such as those around buildings are also considered external flows, even though buildings aren't completely submerged.  We can consider cases where the object or body is stationary and fluid is flowing around it, where the object is moving through a stationary fluid, or some combination of the two.  For all of these situations, if we fix our coordinate system with the body, we can analyze these scenarios as if fluid were flowing over a stationary body.  We will consider the velocity upstream of the body (Uinfinity) to be constant with respect to time and space.  The bodies in the flow can be classified using one of two systems:

1a) 2D object extending infinitely in a third direction
1b) axi-symmetric bodies formed by rotating a cross-section about an axis of symmetry
1c) 3D bodies

2a) streamlined bodies
2b) blunt bodies

As you can imagine, flow past an object is influenced by both the fluid properties and the size and shape of the object.  These characteristics are typically grouped in dimensionless parameters; those used most often for external flows are Reynolds number, Mach number, and the Froude number.

We can examine some general differences in flows for a range of Reynolds number values by taking a closer look at flows over a flat plate.  Here we consider a plate of length, l, in the same fluid with the same viscosity and density, but we will continue to increase the upstream velocity, Uinfinity, so that Re = 0.1, 10, and 10^7.  As the Reynolds number increases, the region around the plate where the viscous forces/stresses are important shrinks considerably, causing outer streamlines to be deflected from the plate less and less.  The wake region behind the plate also shrinks as the Reynolds number increases.  It should be noted that flows with Re < 1 are dominated by viscous effects while flows with Re > 1 are dominated by inertia.

If we look at flow over a cylinder, we can make some more generalizations about how flow over blunt bodies is affected by changes in Reynolds number.  For low Reynolds number flows (0.1), again we see large deflection of the streamlines far away from the body.  These streamlines appear to be symmetric about the center of the cylinder (the stagnation streamline) as we saw when we investigated the velocity potential function.  As the Reynolds number increases (50, 10^5), we see this area affected by the viscous stresses again shrinking.  We can also see that the flow separates from the surface of the clyinder, creating a recirculation bubble or wake behind the cylinder.

Next week we'll continue looking at external flows, focusing on the region affected by the viscous forces.  Until then, happy studying!

Monday, December 5, 2011

MrsDrPoe: Drugstore Deals 12/04

Happy Money Monday to you all!  There are a few good deals going on at the drugstores this week that I wanted to share with you today...


Candy Canes - $1.27, get $1.27 back in ECB (double check that your ECBs printed before you leave the store)
American Greeting cards - $0.99 ea. (selected), get $3 ECB WYB 3, coupon printing at kiosk for $1/2 (you make a dollar!)
Buy $20 in Schick/Playtex, get $10 ECB - buy 2 packs of Schick disposible razors and 1 shave gel, use B1G1 SS 11/06, $2/1 SS 12/04, and $1 SS 12/04 to make it all free!


W by Duck Packaging Tape - $0.99 with in-add coupon, $1/1 in SS 11/20 makes it free
Revlon Top Speed Nail Enamel - $3.99, get $3 back in RR
Holiday Goody Containers - $0.99

AND...for those of you who live in the Metro-Atlanta Area, the Forum is offering free horse carriage rides Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons; pick-up is in front of Belk.