Good morning! It's Foto Friday here on the blog! Today I have chosen to upload pictures of my fuzzy babies and the progress of two of the Poe family "hobbies." Another disclaimer: I am not a professional photographer (by any stretch of the imagination), but these pictures are all my own. I hope you appreciate the subject more than the artistry behind them ;).
This is Sascha - a long-haired Dachshund and our oldest. She firmly believes that she is a princess and claims to have total authority over the household.
This is Layla - a Great Dane and our youngest. She is just fine with being a follower, and she is always at my side...
Together they make for some pretty hilarious stories!
The first hobby to be discussed today is one of mine - gardening.
I have 2 tomato plants potted on the patio...And they're already producing! I've got 4 green ones so far- definitely the best growing season I've had yet!The rest of the garden consists of 2 green bell pepper plants, a rose bush, sweet basil, cilantro, 1 strawberry plant, oregano and rosemary. Yay!
Completely separate from my efforts is a beautiful purple clematis vine...
And a beautiful flowering cactus!
Now onto Mr. Poe's hobby - cars. We have a 1985 Toyota 1 ton pickup that we got from my parents right before we got married in 2008. It's probably our most reliable vehicle, but it needed a little tlc on the outside. Here are the "before" pix:
Mr. Poe and Papa Poe made a make-shift paint booth in Papa Poe's basement. Here are some "during" pix:
I think the finished product looks pretty fabulous! Good job Poe men!
As a Christian, wife, mother of a little girl and two fur-babies, Mississippi State Bulldog, and PhD, I lead a very busy life. If you add on top of that my obsession for organization and loves for couponing, sewing, knitting, cooking, reading, gardening, and a host of other random hobbies, you've got the recipe for...well...variety. And variety is the spice of life!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
MrsDrPoe: Marriage
Good morning and happy Theology Thursday! As I mentioned yesterday, I am a new testament Christian, meaning I try to read the Bible daily and pattern my life and worship after the first century churches discussed in the new testament. Mr. Poe and I are members at a nondenominational congregation here in Atlanta. If you're ever in our neck of the woods, we suggest you visit!
A few disclaimers before I get to the actual subject at hand. I do not claim to know everything there is to know about the Bible (I don't think anyone can possibly claim to). Much of the knowledge that I have can be attributed to Bible study with others more knowledgeable than myself and general familiarity with the scriptures that stems from frequent reading and study. I also read (and will reference) books/material based on but apart from the Bible. Please understand that while I find other people's incites (written and spoken) to be useful in my understanding of the scripture, these are NO REPLACEMENT for the written word of GOD. I hope that you will open your Bibles and examine the passages I discuss and test my conjectures to ensure that they fit with the whole of the Bible.
So...Marriage. The apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians tells us that marriage is not required of a Christian, and in fact, it is often "easier" for those who are unmarried to serve the Lord (7:7-9, 25-40). But often times we feel a sort of loneliness that only a spouse can fill. If we look at the beginning of the world, we can see that this desire to have an intimate relationship with another human is innate (Gen 2:18-25). And so, many of us study what the Bible has to say on the subject (Eph 5:22-33, 7-16, Matt 5:31-32, Mark 10:1-12, I Pet 3:1-7), figure we can handle it, and get married. Then we study our Bibles and try to grow as Christians, assuming that becoming better Christians will also help us to become better spouses. While this assumption is true, much of the study I have done lately would also suggest that the opposite is true - being better spouses can help us become better Christians.
We know that God hates divorce (Mal 2:16) and the only reason Christ allows for divorce is in the case of sexual immorality (Matt 5:31-32, Mark 10:1-12). So marriage is eternal, right? Sort of. While, as Christians, we are expected to, once married, remain married to the same partner till death do us part (excluding the one exception), Jesus also taught that marriage literally ends at death (Mark 12:18-27). So this unique, earthly relationship must serve some purpose (other than keeping us from being lonesome).
Throughout the Bible, the people of God have been referred to as His bride (Eze 16:8, Hosea, etc.). In the old testament, any time the children of Israel left the Lord to pursue the Baals or to look to foreign nations for deliverance, they were referred to as adulterous and a prostitute (Eze 16:15-59, Hosea, etc.). In the new testament, the analogy is carried over with the church being called the betrothed or bride of Christ (2 Cor 11:2, Rev 21-22, etc.). So in living in this marriage relationship in a human plane, we can better understand our relationship to Christ, our bridegroom and the Holy Lamb of God. In closer examination of the passage in Eph 5, we see that wives are to submit to their husbands...just as we are to submit to the rule of Christ in our lives, obeying Him in everything...and that husbands are to love their wives...just as Christ loved the church and gave himself on the cross for her.
I recently read "The Sacred Romance" by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis. This book focuses on the fact that we are the betrothed of Christ and that we should strive to have an intimate relationship with Him. Christianity is not about a list of rules to follow (although submitting ourselves to obedience of the word of God is commanded of us)'s about loving God/Christ and having a relationship with Him through constant prayer and study. While (as I mentioned in the disclaimer) not all of the information presented in this work follows the scripture as I understand it, I think this book did an excellent job of emphasizing that when we replace (purposely or not) this relationship with God with other things...even seemingly "good" things like school, work, a human relationship, sports, vacations, etc....we are committing adultery in our marriage to Christ!
Mr. Poe and I are currently in a marriage Bible class on Wed nights and Sun mornings. We are studying from some material entitled "A Marriage Made in Heaven: Personal Transformation in Marriage through the Fruit of the Spirit" by David Maxson (for husbands and wives). Mr. Maxon asserts that by building the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:16-26, II Pet 1:5-11) in our marriage, we can (probably) improve our earthly marriages and (definitely) improve our spiritual "marriage".
The lessons have been great so far. The past two meetings we have discussed developing patience and kindness in our marriages. Mr. Maxon refers to these characteristics as the breaks and the gas in an argument. Having patience means simply applying the breaks and not striking back (verbally or physically) when you and your spouse are arguing. Typically, we think if we're doing this we're performing quite well. But Christ takes it a step further in Matt 5:38-48 (a passage in today's daily Bible reading). We are to not only show patience in not slapping back when someone slaps us, allowing someone to take our tunic, and walk a mile with someone who compels us to...we are to show kindness by providing the other cheek for a slap, giving up our cloak as well, and walking two miles instead of the one. Kindness is hitting the gas in an argument ("in reverse" if you will)...not just refraining from evil, but returning good for evil and loving our "enemies" (our spouses definitely qualify at times). Thus by practicing both patience and kindness in our most intimate yet difficult relationship on this earth, we are improving our spiritual selves greatly "to the praise of His glory" (Eph 1)!
A few disclaimers before I get to the actual subject at hand. I do not claim to know everything there is to know about the Bible (I don't think anyone can possibly claim to). Much of the knowledge that I have can be attributed to Bible study with others more knowledgeable than myself and general familiarity with the scriptures that stems from frequent reading and study. I also read (and will reference) books/material based on but apart from the Bible. Please understand that while I find other people's incites (written and spoken) to be useful in my understanding of the scripture, these are NO REPLACEMENT for the written word of GOD. I hope that you will open your Bibles and examine the passages I discuss and test my conjectures to ensure that they fit with the whole of the Bible.
So...Marriage. The apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians tells us that marriage is not required of a Christian, and in fact, it is often "easier" for those who are unmarried to serve the Lord (7:7-9, 25-40). But often times we feel a sort of loneliness that only a spouse can fill. If we look at the beginning of the world, we can see that this desire to have an intimate relationship with another human is innate (Gen 2:18-25). And so, many of us study what the Bible has to say on the subject (Eph 5:22-33, 7-16, Matt 5:31-32, Mark 10:1-12, I Pet 3:1-7), figure we can handle it, and get married. Then we study our Bibles and try to grow as Christians, assuming that becoming better Christians will also help us to become better spouses. While this assumption is true, much of the study I have done lately would also suggest that the opposite is true - being better spouses can help us become better Christians.
We know that God hates divorce (Mal 2:16) and the only reason Christ allows for divorce is in the case of sexual immorality (Matt 5:31-32, Mark 10:1-12). So marriage is eternal, right? Sort of. While, as Christians, we are expected to, once married, remain married to the same partner till death do us part (excluding the one exception), Jesus also taught that marriage literally ends at death (Mark 12:18-27). So this unique, earthly relationship must serve some purpose (other than keeping us from being lonesome).
Throughout the Bible, the people of God have been referred to as His bride (Eze 16:8, Hosea, etc.). In the old testament, any time the children of Israel left the Lord to pursue the Baals or to look to foreign nations for deliverance, they were referred to as adulterous and a prostitute (Eze 16:15-59, Hosea, etc.). In the new testament, the analogy is carried over with the church being called the betrothed or bride of Christ (2 Cor 11:2, Rev 21-22, etc.). So in living in this marriage relationship in a human plane, we can better understand our relationship to Christ, our bridegroom and the Holy Lamb of God. In closer examination of the passage in Eph 5, we see that wives are to submit to their husbands...just as we are to submit to the rule of Christ in our lives, obeying Him in everything...and that husbands are to love their wives...just as Christ loved the church and gave himself on the cross for her.
I recently read "The Sacred Romance" by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis. This book focuses on the fact that we are the betrothed of Christ and that we should strive to have an intimate relationship with Him. Christianity is not about a list of rules to follow (although submitting ourselves to obedience of the word of God is commanded of us)'s about loving God/Christ and having a relationship with Him through constant prayer and study. While (as I mentioned in the disclaimer) not all of the information presented in this work follows the scripture as I understand it, I think this book did an excellent job of emphasizing that when we replace (purposely or not) this relationship with God with other things...even seemingly "good" things like school, work, a human relationship, sports, vacations, etc....we are committing adultery in our marriage to Christ!
Mr. Poe and I are currently in a marriage Bible class on Wed nights and Sun mornings. We are studying from some material entitled "A Marriage Made in Heaven: Personal Transformation in Marriage through the Fruit of the Spirit" by David Maxson (for husbands and wives). Mr. Maxon asserts that by building the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:16-26, II Pet 1:5-11) in our marriage, we can (probably) improve our earthly marriages and (definitely) improve our spiritual "marriage".
The lessons have been great so far. The past two meetings we have discussed developing patience and kindness in our marriages. Mr. Maxon refers to these characteristics as the breaks and the gas in an argument. Having patience means simply applying the breaks and not striking back (verbally or physically) when you and your spouse are arguing. Typically, we think if we're doing this we're performing quite well. But Christ takes it a step further in Matt 5:38-48 (a passage in today's daily Bible reading). We are to not only show patience in not slapping back when someone slaps us, allowing someone to take our tunic, and walk a mile with someone who compels us to...we are to show kindness by providing the other cheek for a slap, giving up our cloak as well, and walking two miles instead of the one. Kindness is hitting the gas in an argument ("in reverse" if you will)...not just refraining from evil, but returning good for evil and loving our "enemies" (our spouses definitely qualify at times). Thus by practicing both patience and kindness in our most intimate yet difficult relationship on this earth, we are improving our spiritual selves greatly "to the praise of His glory" (Eph 1)!
Bible Study,
Fruit of the Spirit,
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
MrsDrPoe: Beef Con Carne
Tonight I made a version of Chili Con Carne based on the recipe on the back of Knorr Steak Fajita Rice Sides (serves 3-4).
Ingredients: 1/4 cup onion (diced), 1/2 lb ground beef, 1 can petite cut tomatoes, 1 package Knorr Rice Sides (Steak Fajita flavor), 1 1/2 cup water (not shown)
Brown the beef and diced onion in a 4 qt sauce pan.
Can't you just smell the cooked onions??
Stir in other ingredients and simmer for 7 minutes (until rice is tender).
The finished product (served with cheese and sour cream). YUM! Two thumbs up from Mr. Poe.
Ingredients: 1/4 cup onion (diced), 1/2 lb ground beef, 1 can petite cut tomatoes, 1 package Knorr Rice Sides (Steak Fajita flavor), 1 1/2 cup water (not shown)
Brown the beef and diced onion in a 4 qt sauce pan.
Can't you just smell the cooked onions??
Stir in other ingredients and simmer for 7 minutes (until rice is tender).
The finished product (served with cheese and sour cream). YUM! Two thumbs up from Mr. Poe.
Beef Con Carne,
What's for dinner
MrsDrPoe: New Beginnings Take II
Well hello! I must say that my attempt at blogging last year was...utterly disastrous. So I am pleased to announce my desire to start over in earnest. I'll be sharing more of my story as I go along, but here is a quick preview of me, my family and my plans for the direction of this blog.
I am Mrs. Dr. Poe...almost. In approximately 1 year, I will present my Dissertation in hopes of obtaining my PhD in mechanical engineering from the best university ever ;). Please note that, while my husband is also a mechanical engineer, he is not a doctor; I have chosen to write my name in such a manner so as to remember my priorities - first to my family and then to my job. My research is in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). If that scares you, then don't tune in on Tuesdays. Just kidding...
I live in the lovely city of Atlanta, which I am still getting used to. I am a new testament Christian, which you will also hear more about if you stick with me. I have been blessed with a lovely four-member family and a continually growing extended family...of which I have no pictures to show due to the theft of my computer when we came to visit Atl the first time. But again, if you stick with me, I promise there will be many pictures to come. (I really do sound like a politician...making all these promises with a not-so-hot track record already...)
There are about a million things I enjoy doing other than the previously mentioned Bible study, time with my family and research. My current projects involve tending a miniature garden on my patio, knitting various baby gift items, couponing, and catching up on some reading. I also enjoy cooking, sewing, painting, writing poetry, etc. What? I dabble. My hubby enjoys running, working with his hands, dreaming about the FSAE days, and working on cars.
It is on the current goings on of our lives that I plan to bring you, the avid reader, stories each weekday. Since I'm a very busy woman and I <3 organization, I have sketched out an idea for the flow of my blog:
Money Saving Monday - I will discuss the latest couponing conquests
Thesis Tuesday - I will update on my dissertation progress/educate in CFD
What's for dinner Wednesday - I will log a new or favorite recipe we've tried
Theology Thursday - I will journal about my Bible reading for the week
Foto Friday - I will post pix and discuss progress on current hobby projects
Before I end this new beginning, I'd like to make a few disclaimers. First, the above flow may not work out, and I reserve the right to change it (please don't be disappointed). Second, I love alliteration (despite the fact that I'm a math person and not an english person), so please excuse any misspellings etc. above. Third, I may post more/less frequently depending on my I said before, I am a very busy woman! Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to your comments as we move forward!
I am Mrs. Dr. Poe...almost. In approximately 1 year, I will present my Dissertation in hopes of obtaining my PhD in mechanical engineering from the best university ever ;). Please note that, while my husband is also a mechanical engineer, he is not a doctor; I have chosen to write my name in such a manner so as to remember my priorities - first to my family and then to my job. My research is in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). If that scares you, then don't tune in on Tuesdays. Just kidding...
I live in the lovely city of Atlanta, which I am still getting used to. I am a new testament Christian, which you will also hear more about if you stick with me. I have been blessed with a lovely four-member family and a continually growing extended family...of which I have no pictures to show due to the theft of my computer when we came to visit Atl the first time. But again, if you stick with me, I promise there will be many pictures to come. (I really do sound like a politician...making all these promises with a not-so-hot track record already...)
There are about a million things I enjoy doing other than the previously mentioned Bible study, time with my family and research. My current projects involve tending a miniature garden on my patio, knitting various baby gift items, couponing, and catching up on some reading. I also enjoy cooking, sewing, painting, writing poetry, etc. What? I dabble. My hubby enjoys running, working with his hands, dreaming about the FSAE days, and working on cars.
It is on the current goings on of our lives that I plan to bring you, the avid reader, stories each weekday. Since I'm a very busy woman and I <3 organization, I have sketched out an idea for the flow of my blog:
Money Saving Monday - I will discuss the latest couponing conquests
Thesis Tuesday - I will update on my dissertation progress/educate in CFD
What's for dinner Wednesday - I will log a new or favorite recipe we've tried
Theology Thursday - I will journal about my Bible reading for the week
Foto Friday - I will post pix and discuss progress on current hobby projects
Before I end this new beginning, I'd like to make a few disclaimers. First, the above flow may not work out, and I reserve the right to change it (please don't be disappointed). Second, I love alliteration (despite the fact that I'm a math person and not an english person), so please excuse any misspellings etc. above. Third, I may post more/less frequently depending on my I said before, I am a very busy woman! Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to your comments as we move forward!
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