Example: The average pressure and shear stress acting on the surface of the 1m square flat plate are as indicated i nthe Figure. Determine the lift and drag generated if shear stress is and is not neglected.
Given: alpha = 7deg, pTa = -1.2 kN/m*m, pBa = 2.3 kN/m*m tauTa = 5.8e-2 kN/m*m, tauBa = 7.6e-2 kN/m*m
Find: D and L with and without shear
A = 1 m*m, Theta = 90deg - alpha = 83deg
D = int(p*cos(theta))dA + int(tauw*sin(theta))dA
Using average values to avoid integration:
DS = (pBa - pTa)*cos(theta)*A + (tauTa + tauBa)*sin(theta)*A = 559.544 N
Dns = (pBa - pTa)*cos(theta)*A = 426.543 N
L = -int(p*sin(theta))dA + int(tauw*cos(theta))dA
Again using average values to avoid integration:
LS = (pBa - pTa)*sin(theta)*A - (tauTa + tauBa)*cos(theta)*A = 3.458e3 N
Lns = (pBa - pTa)*sin(theta)*A = 3.474e3 N
Next week, get ready to study some internal flows!
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