Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MrsDrPoe: The Halls

For the next edition of Poes' Pals, I'd like to introduce you to the Halls:

The Halls are some newer friends of ours; although, we first met Mr. Hall when he came to Starkville to hold a gospel meeting for us.  These folks are some of the nicest and most genuine you will ever meet and true servants of Christ.  During the past year they have worked locally and as far away as Zimbabwe to help encourage brethren and further the spread of the gospel.

Mr. Hall hales from the great state of Alabama and is a hard-core Auburn fan (Mr. Poe likes him in spite of this fact).  Although he has a degree in political science, he has chosen evangelism as his profession.  Mrs. Hall comes from a Yankee family of all girls and has spent a lot of time in NYC helping to spread the Word.

These two are such an encouragement to us, and we highly recommend that you spend some time with them if you ever find them in your neck of the woods!


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