The next book I would like to present to you for a Reading Review is another one that I received free from BookSneeze, "Constantly Craving: How to Make Sense of Always Wanting More" by Marilyn Meberg:
In this book, Meberg addresses several areas where people often crave more- romance, contentment, friendship, time, meaning, etc. She identifies with each situation by telling of her own experiences and suggests how universal these things are. Ultimately she also identifies humanity's cravings for various earthly things with actual craving for God and heaven.
I mildly enjoyed the book. I believe many inspirational quotes could be drawn from it, and parts are very encouraging to readers. The use of personal experiences made it seem like Meberg was sitting next to me giving advice; although, this technique also made the book drag in places. For anyone remotely familiar with Christianity, this book doesn't present anything new, but it does serve as a reminder that our "hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness."*
I would recommend this book to a reader looking for encouragement from such a reminder. However, I would also caution him/her that many of the views presented by Meberg are not consistent with those presented in the Bible.
*From the hymn My Hope is Built on Nothing Less.
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