Monday, September 26, 2011

MrsDrPoe: Being a Responsible Receiver

It's another Money Monday here at the blog and the final installment of "Giving Gifts without Going Broke."  So far in this series we've talked about some gift-giving basics, as well as cost-effective purchased and homemade gift ideas.  Today, we'll be examining the other side of the coin- how we can be responsible receivers

While we may not be in a position that requires us to find most cost-effective ways to give, we must be consious of the fact that others may be.  There are two major aspects to being a "responsible receiver":


The proactive receiver realizes ahead of gift-giving-time the financial situation of those on his/her list.  To help the giver avoid the awkward conversation of, "I can't afford to buy you x, y, or z this year," the receiver develops a gift list for the giver that falls well within his/her budget limitations, noting possible cost-effective solutions, such as specifying whether or not a used product is acceptable.  If the giver is particularly strapped for cash, a proactive receiver also may suggest having a homemade holiday or "alternative" gift ideas.

For instance: 

"I really want some of the Manheim Steamroller Christmas CDs...I usually find used - good condition ones on Amazon for a decent price."

"I would love a night out with Mr. Poe...the best gift ever would be a few nights of free dog-sitting."


The retroactive receiver may not realize a financial situation until after gifts have been exchanged.  He/she gratefully accepts whatever token is presented, keeping in mind that it's the thought that counts and, as Paul told the elders from Ephesus in Acts 20:35, "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak.  And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

For instance:

Gifts often given to parents by their small children (like small porcelain figurines from the dollar tree) are accepted readily and thankfully...we should simulate this behavior.

While we're discussing that this attitude is important for the recipient of an obvious "giving without going broke" gift, the role of the retroactive receiver is surely not limited to this group of individuals.  We should all be thankful for everything we have been given, realizing that love and service to/from those around us (and to/from God) are so much more important than stuff.


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