Wednesday, December 28, 2011

MrsDrPoe: What To Expect When You're Expecting

For today's Reading Review, I present to you "What To Expect When You're Expecting" by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel*:

This book was an easy read with lots of information mixed with humor and encouragement.  Since I've never been pregnant, I don't know about all the questions or symptoms a pregnant woman would have, but this work seemed to cover the gamut.  The main section of the book was broken up into 9 month-by-month chapters that detailed what the baby was growing or practicing each week in the month, symptoms you may be having, and what you may be concerned about (food, physical activity, pains, intimacy, etc).  It also covered pre-pregnancy topics, post-pregnancy topics, and information on miscarriages and stillbirths.

The only pseudo-negative thing about this book is that it truly was written for every woman; while even those with STDs, drug problems, who would consider abortion, etc. need information about pregnancy I didn't particularly enjoy reading those sections of the book.  Having said that, I would definitely recommend this book to any woman who is pregnant or desiring to become pregnant, and I plan to purchase my own copy when we (Lord willing!) are blessed with news of the first non-furry-Poe-baby.  I also look forward to reading the other books in the "What to Expect" series!

*Mr. Poe and I are not pregnant, but we would like to have children one day, so I'm reading about it now before it's upon me and I have no time to read.


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