This book is a fairly easy read, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. There is a multitude of information between the covers; I'll definitely be purchasing a reference copy of my own**. The work is broken down into months, with each containing what your baby may be able to do, what things you may be having questions about, and things to expect from well-checkups. Illustrated guides to holding, bathing, breastfeeding, and other activities are included, as well as growth and immunization charts, first recipes, common childhood infections, tips for helping older children and pets get used to the new addition, and a review of items to buy for baby.
I really don't have any negative comments about this book; although, as Ms. Murkoff herself cautions, nothing in her book should trump what your doctor tells you.
*Mr. Poe and I are not pregnant, but we would like to have children one day, so I'm reading about it now before it's upon me and I have no time to read.
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