Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MrsDrPoe: The Barclays

Good morning to all!  For the next edition of Poes' Pals, I'd like you to meet another couple here in Atlanta, the Barclays:

While we're all members of the same body of Christ, Mr. Poe and I have really gotten to know the Barclays through a Tuesday night home Bible study this school year.  Mr. Barclay is a recent psychology graduate of Georgia State and is currently in the process of grad school shopping.  Mrs. Barclay is almost finished with a degree in early childhood and special education (also at GA State).

The Barclays make such a great couple!  They share a deep love for the Lord and for children; they both are diligent and hard working and have fantastic taste in both clothes and music.  Their annual Christmas Mix CDs are a wonderful example of the latter (that may not mean much coming from me, but the fact that Mr. Poe requested I bring them on our Christmas travels should say something).

Mr. Poe and I have really enjoyed our time with the Barclays, and, though we'll miss them if they move away after they wed, we hope they will have many more happy years together serving the Lord wherever life takes them! 


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