The week is almost out, which means another Theology Thursday is upon us! Today we'll be continuing our discussion of the rich young ruler, so as always, I invite you to open your Bibles with me as we look at another portion of God's word.
If you remember, last week we looked at the story of the rich young ruler, how difficult Jesus said it is for the rich to enter into the kingdom of heaven, and that we too may need to get rid of our money and things if they are diminishing our trust in God. Today we'll focus on the reminder of the passage, Luke 18:26-30.
In verse 26, the disciples are taken aback by Jesus' teaching. Then, like now, the rich were privileged, and if it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom, the disciples don't see how anyone can enter. Jesus responds, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." In this one statement, Jesus clarifies that while we cannot enter on our own accord, all men, no matter what their social status, can enter into the kingdom by the grace of God.
Another typical 'response' when studying this portion of the passage is simply to justify that we don't have to live in poverty to serve God and move on with our Bible study. Again, this is true...but what should we be doing with our riches if they're not hindering our trust in God? Here are some practical examples of how we can use our blessings to serve the kingdom.
- host a Bible study, prayer session, or gathering in your home (like Lydia!)
- use your projector/big screen to show music for a singing
- invite brethren in need to stay in your home
- offer to baby sit for free while a parent or other child is sick
- make a meal for a needy brother or sister
- go visit shut-in or hospitalized brethren
- loan a brother/sister in need your car or offer to drive him/her somewhere
- volunteer your time and/or tools to help someone complete a necessary project
- fund your own mission trip or support someone else's
- donate unused or slightly used clothing, food, furniture, etc.
- sell something and give the proceeds to needy brethren (like in Acts!)
As we conclude our look at the rich young ruler, let's remember the end of the passage (Luke 18:29-30) where Jesus tells us that whatever we give up for the kingdom (family, possessions, etc.), we will receive many times more in this life and eternal life when our physical bodies die. So, if we find our riches drawing us closer to the world and farther from Christ, we needn't be anxious about getting rid of them...trusting in the Lord affords us innumerable blessings through His body!
I hope this study has been as helpful for you as it has been for me. Let us always remember that all that we have we have been given and that we should use everything in a way that best glorifies God!
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