Friday, March 2, 2012

MrsDrPoe: Constant Encouragement

Happy Foto Friday to you all!  We're all moved in to the new place; although, we're still working on the hardwoods and waiting on our new furniture.  So instead of showing the typical house pix I've been sharing, I'd like to show you one method we've found particularly helpful in the area of constantly encouraging ourselves to live more like Christ:

writing on our mirrors throughout the house.  This is my side of the large one in our bathroom; every time I wash my face or hands or brush my teeth, I'm reminded of the command in Ephesians 5:22 that as a wife, I should submit to Mr. Poe as to the Lord.  

We've been doing this for years, and it's really helped me to focus throughout the day on scripture that focuses on areas that I feel I need the most encouragement (like respecting my husband, being anxious, etc.).

What ways have you found to encourage your families to be the people we should be?


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