Monday, August 22, 2011

MrsDrPoe: JCPenny Deal, 8/21

Another exciting tidbit of information I have for you today involves one of my favorite department stores: JCPenny.

Since we've moved to Atlanta, I've gotten four coupons for $10 off a purchase of $10 or more at Penny's. Needless to say, I've been stoked about it. For my latest purchase, I bought a shirt to go with a hand-me-up skirt a friend passed on to me:

Grand Total OOP: $0.21

While at the store, the clerk told me about JCP Rewards, the rew
ards program for JCPenny shoppers. Without applying for the store credit card, you can earn rewards points by registering up to three credit cards with JCP online. For each dollar you spend in store or online using one of your registered cards, you earn one point. When you reach 250 points each month, you will get a $10 reward. Plus, by providing your email address, you will be notified about giveaways, discounts, and various other store offers. I'm not sure how much this rewards program will help us, since we don't spend that much at department stores, but I'm hoping we'll see some great deals come out of it around black Friday.

Do any of you have experience with this program? Have you seen significant savings?


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